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Our Staff

Portrait of Courtney

Courtney Keyser (Owner)

Courtney grew up at Kings Grant working for her Dad and Grandparents and playing tennis with her friends and sister Kara. She played #1 singles for Barnstable High School and was ranked #18 in New England before going on to play at Division 1 Providence College. She has completed PTR certification training and continues to share her passion and joy for the game. You'll find her on the court or in the clubhouse continuing the family legacy along with her husband and 4 kids. 


Portrait of Liby Campbell

Libby Campbell

In addition to her 20 years as a school social worker in public school systems, Libby is a wonderful addition to our Kings Grant team. Libby grew up at Weymouth Club playing for NELTA Juniors New England teams and has played on 8 USTA 4.5/9.0 teams that went to Nationals. She currently plays in USTA, Town Team, DBH, MITA and CMITA leagues. She is PTR certified.

Portrait of Anna Shyk

Anna Shyk

Anna has been an excellent addition to the Kings Grant team! Anna is from Latvia where she played as a junior and was ranked as high as 49th in Europe. She played Division 1 college Tennis in the US at the University of Buffalo.  She’s been on Cape Cod since 2012 where she lives with her husband and her daughter. For the last several years she has been coaching the best group of Junior players on the cape.  

Portrait of Johanna Hickman

Johanna Hickman

Johnna Hickman is one of the assistant tennis professionals at Kings Grant. She has played in numerous tennis leagues and tournaments in Southeastern MA. Also this spring 2021 she is currently on 2 USTA leagues on Hilton Head Island in SC. November of 2018 Johnna had the amazing experience of playing in the USTA Nationals tournament in Mobile, Alabama on a USTA 9.0 mixed doubles team that finished 5th in the country. She is USPTA certified and this is her 11th season teaching at Kings Grant.

“I love this tennis club. The members here are competitive and friendly people of all ages. The employees are fun and enjoyable to work with.”

Portrait of Nate Medeiros

Nate Medeiros

Nathan was born and raised in Marstons Mills and attended Barnstable High School. He competed on their tennis team and won a Division One State Championship in 2015. Nathan has been teaching tennis for 10 years. He has a passion for teaching and helping juniors improve their game. When Nathan’s not on the tennis court, he is a teacher at Cape Cod Academy, where he coaches the Boys Varsity Tennis Team. In his spare time he enjoys swimming and skiing. Nathan is super excited for his 5th Summer at Kings Grant!

Portrait of Tim Pesek

Tim Pesek 

Tim is super excited to be back at Kings Grant for his 5th summer! Tim graduated from Connecticut College in 2023 with a degree in Environmental Studies. He was a member of the men’s varsity tennis and ice hockey teams at school. When Tim is not teaching on the court he works as a sustainability consultant for his own company he recently founded. Tim cannot wait to see everyone on the courts and the deck this summer!

Portrait of Jillian Burdge

Jillian Burdge 

I am a junior at UMass Amherst, where I play on the club tennis team. I grew up in Mashpee, Ma where I played on the Sturgis West High School team. I was undefeated in my high school career as the first singles player. I won MVP in my league, the coaches award, and the sportsmanship award during my senior year. I am an animal science major and one day I hope to become a vet. I love skiing and being with my friends in my free time. I am looking forward to another summer at Kings Grant! 

Junior PROs

Portrait of Lily Walker

Lily Walker

I am from Cotuit and just graduated from at St. John Paul II Highschool.  I have played on the varsity tennis team since I was in 8th grade. When I am not playing tennis I ran for my school’s cross country team and am also a ski instructor in Vermont. I have been playing at Kings Grant for 8 years now and am very excited to come back this summer.

Portrait of Chatham Bridge

Chatham Bridge

I am excited to be returning to King’s Grant for Summer 2025! I am a rising senior at Tabor Academy. I have been a member of the Tabor Academy Varsity Tennis team since freshman year and have played both singles and doubles. Prior to attending Tabor, I played Varsity tennis at Saint John Paul High School as a 7th and 8th grader on the high school team. When not on the courts, I like to play pickleball, scuba dive and hangout with my friends and family. I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces this summer! 

Portrait of Brady Keyser

Brady Keyser

I am a freshman at Falmouth High School and playing on the High School Tennis team.  I enjoy playing in USTA and UTR tournaments throughout the year.  For the last four years during February break, I've trained at Smith Stearns Tennis Academy in Hilton Head, SC.  I am 15 years old and have played tennis at Kings Grant since I was 2.  This is my first year working at Kings Grant and I'm very excited to be part of the staff.  When I'm not on the court, I like to hang out with my family and my friends.

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